5 Myths About Visiting Bozeman, Montana

If you’re on the fence on whether or not to choose Bozeman over another vacation destination be sure to bookmark the OnlyInBozeman website. They have some great resources for things to do in the area. Here’s one of their latest blogs:

You may think you have a good idea of what to expect when visiting Montana. “It’s Montana, aren’t they still riding horses to work and school?” “Where is Montana? Isn’t it right next to Canada?” Since Montana’s population ranks near the bottom, it’s easy to assume that something is missing, and that other destinations like Colorado, Utah and California are a better choice. If visiting Montana is on your bucket list but you’re concerned with sacrificing certain comforts you’ve grown to expect from traveling, you may not have to worry. We’re going to cover five myths about visiting Bozeman, Montana, to help you see why it has become such a popular destination, and one of the fastest-growing towns in America per capita.


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